Fan Clubs, Football, Uncategorized, watch party

Top Football Fan Clubs: Boston Sports Fan Group of Seattle

In the search for the top football fan club, FanWide has interviewed the leaders of several prominent football fan clubs across the league and across the nation. One such leader is Chris Porter of the Boston Sports Fan Group of Seattle which organizes game watch parties for fans of the New England Patriots, Boston Red Sox, Boston Celtics, Boston Bruins and New England Revolution.  FanWide has hosted several events with this fan club and we were even featured together on TV during NBC King 5’s Evening Show:   

Visit to find any Boston sports game watch party or fan club near you.

FanWide asked him the following questions about what makes his club one of the top clubs in the nation:

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Seattle’s King 5 featured FanWide in Evening Magazine for the Boston Red Sox Pregame Party where we gave away a signed jersey and more. The fans were excited and even right outside Safe Co. Field, the Red Sox found a home to celebrate their team.

No matter where you live or travel, FanWide is here for you!