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Traveling for the Holidays? Find a Watch Party Wherever You Go

The holiday season is upon us, and many people take advantage of this time to travel. After a long 2017, it’s nice to ring in the New Year with family, holiday celebration, vacation – and sports!  Find FanWide Events in your area here!

FanWide’s Events Map (12/21/17)

If you are taking time off for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, or your own holiday festivities, make sure to use FanWide. FanWide’s website ( or app (iOS & Android) can help you find a local place to watch your games while you are away from home.

Here are some of the most popular travel destinations within the US, and game watch parties for the various events happening over the next month:

Are you looking for bowl games while you are out of town? A lot of the top bowl games are taking place over the holidays. You can take a look at our recent blog post on where to find bowl game watch parties for your favorite teams.

Even if your team isn’t playing, or if you are staying at home for the holidays, you can still use FanWide to find local watch parties nearest you. Safe travels to all of you holiday tourists out there, and Happy Holidays from all of us at FanWide!