With their location in New York, America’s most populous city, the Nets have built up a sizeable network of fans both in and out of the Big Apple. To keep in touch with this fan network, the Nets maintain an active social media presence. Currently, the Nets have over 2.7 million Facebook likes, over 1 million Twitter followers, and over 1.4 million Instagram followers. The Nets use the official hashtag #WeGoHard on all of their social media accounts. The official Brooklyn Nets social media accounts all represent excellent sources of Nets news and highlights for Nets fans everywhere.

Nets official fan outreach extends far beyond their social media presence. The Nets team website is full of content of all types for Nets fans. The team website contains all the team information a fan could possibly need. It also includes additional resources for fans, such as information about camps for young Nets fans, different fan experiences, and the team fan mobile app. The team is involved in community service as well, with Brooklyn Nets Assist the team’s main outreach program. The Nets’ numerous official team resources can meet the needs of almost all Nets fans.