Events, Football, watch party

FanWide’s 2017 NFL Draft Watch Party was a Success!

Thanks to all the FanWide Fans for coming out and making the 2017 NFL Draft Watch Party a Big Success!

FanWide NFL Draft Watch Party
The FanWide Team with Rhein Haus for the 2017 NFL Draft Watch Party

On April 27, 2017, FanWide along with Rhein Haus in Seattle hosted the first round of the 2017 NFL Draft. We want to give a huge shout-out to everyone who showed up and signed up for FanWide!

Congratulations to all the wonderful athletes drafted this year as well. Was there anyone you were excited, disappointed or just confused about picked this year?

Events, Football, watch party

2017 NFL Draft Party & UW Draftee Contest with FanWide and Rhein Haus!

NFL Draft Watch Party
FanWide Teams up with Rein Haus for the 2017 NFL Draft

It’s time to start thinking about football season again and FanWide is teaming up with Rhein Haus in Seattle for the 2017 NFL Draft.

The 2017 NFL Draft Watch Party presented by FanWide will take place on Thursday, April 27 at Rhein Haus in Seattle beginning at 4:00 pm with the draft beginning at 5:00 pm.

Events, watch party

5 things to look for when choosing a sports bar

Are you looking for a place to watch tonight’s game, and sick of getting treated like a second class sports fan because your bar of choice insists on showing the rival team instead of yours? Here is our quick picks for what to look for in a sports bar.


Watching the game on the big screen is great, but having your game on every TV wherever you look – is the bees knees. When selecting a spot to watch a game, you should probably pick a spot that has TVs that you can actually watch. Don’t be that guy in the corner of the bar squinting at the small TV while everyone else watches an obscure anime movie on the 100″ projector.