Analysis, Fan Data, Football, Rugby, Sports Data, Sports Fan Data

FanWide Football Fan Survey Results – Your New Favorite Sport is Probably Rugby


Photo Courtesy of Olga Guryanova

FanWide, the world’s largest fan club network, has compiled and analyzed the data for our football survey and the results are in! The topics we chose to research were centered around the similarities and differences of football and rugby. Rugby is similar to football in many ways – such as some of the strategy, the physicality, but also different where it counts like stoppage times. Below are some of the highlights that were produced from your responses to show why rugby may be your new favorite sport.  You can also find local rugby watch parties with FanWide.

Analysis, Fan Data, Football, NCAA, Sports Data, Sports Fan Data

Football: America’s Favorite Sport, is it Yours? (Survey)

Photo courtesy of Sandro Schuh

Football is the number one sport in America, but what makes football so special? Is it the action? The strategy? Even the commercials? FanWide is the world’s largest fan club network, promoting over half a million game watch parties every year for almost 13,000 pro and college fan clubs nationwide. Visit to find a local sports meetup wherever you live or travel. At FanWide, we value our fans’ opinions and we want to learn more about what makes football such a popular sport here in the United States. Please take this short, 2-minute survey about what you love, and don’t love, about the game. We greatly appreciate your time and keep a lookout for our next blog post with our results.