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250,000 FanWide Game Watch Parties – Part 1: Team & League Sports Fan Data

In just under thirteen months since its launch, FanWide has promoted and collected data from over a quarter of a million events nationwide.  An event is an organized meetup where a group of sports fans gets together out of their home to watch one of almost 15,000 televised games, commonly known as a “watch party”.

All, Baseball, Events, News, watch party

The Houston Astros Rocky Road to the World Series

The Houston Astros managed to fight their way into the World Series after beating the Yankees 4-3 in the ALCS. And what a time for the Astros to persevere, as Texas needed a reason to celebrate.

It’s been a rough couple of months for Houston after the devastation from Hurricane Harvey left thousands without homes and billions of dollars of damages in its wake. The rainfall from Harvey in Texas and Louisiana alone could have filled the Astrodome 85,000 times over.

Visit to find a Houston Astros game watch party or fan club near you.