Fantasy sports is a big part of American culture. It is a key driver behind thousands of Watch Parties organized by bars and restaurants. The COVID-19 pandemic swept through the nation like wildfire bringing mainstream sports to a halt. Traditional operators now need to get creative and stay relevant within the sports community. The national directive to self-quarantine would be much easier if live mainstream sporting events were running. They would serve as a great distraction from the seriousness of this virus affecting us all. StatementGames Inc. is one operator that continues to unite and engage sports fans through there platform. The StatementGames Inc. platform operates a game with a twist on daily fantasy sports. Even in the dog days of COVID-19, games are available for play daily.
A Fan Club could be just what your Poker Game Needs
As you may have guessed by now, we’re big supporters of fan clubs. After all, meeting people with the same interests as you can only be a good thing, right? You get to hang out with fellow fans, talk about your favorite teams or stars, and you might even discover a few things about your passion that you didn’t yet know. Unlikely we know, but hey, it’s possible.

While there are countless NBA fan clubs and even fan clubs that organize watch parties for sports like golf, what about those other sports that fly under the radar? These are the sports that everyone plays but because of the nature of the game, they may not actively watch it on TV or even have a favorite player. We are, of course, talking about poker. The game that pretty much everyone can play, but that still manages to stay out of the spotlight until the World Series of Poker (WSOP) rolls around.
Interestingly, we’ve discovered that there are very few poker fan clubs in the US. Sure there are plenty of poker tournaments organized by groups on Facebook, but the sport is really lacking some dedicated fan clubs to bring poker fans together outside the normal setting of a competitive game.
So if you’re a regular poker player and an avid fan of the game, then it’s time you started your own fan club. But what’s so great about poker fan clubs anyway?
The Most Niche Sports Fans Can Bet On
If we look at the basic principles of matched bets then, in theory, they can be applied to almost any type of sport. In this article, we will make mention of the slightly lesser-known disciplines that betting enthusiasts like to dabble in.
American Football
OK, so yes, American football is far from a “niche” sport when it comes to the game itself or its popularity in the US. When we consider it in terms of worldwide betting, however, then its place on the betting scale isn’t as popular as other sporting events.
What is the Best Soccer Stadium for Fans in Europe?
Europe is home to some spectacular football stadiums, from the largest of their kind to those with incredible facilities and a great atmosphere from the working class stands in German stadiums, to having a classic pie at a British game while having someone shout out betting tips at halftime. But with so many to choose from, which one takes the crown for the best stadium in Europe for fans?
Online Sports Betting in the US Has Changed How Fans Experience Sports
The wait is over for many fans in the U.S. who have longed to bet on games and tournaments. Seven states now authorize sports betting, and a host of others have geared up to open betting markets.
Sports betting is also shaping the fan experience in exciting, interactive ways, especially in the online and mobile worlds.