Located in Detroit, the Tigers have built up a large quantity of fans which contributes to their overall success. This is partly because of the way the team utilizes their social media accounts. This is seen on Instagram (691K followers), Twitter (1.46M followers), and Facebook (2.18M followers). With all of these followers, the team is able to update their fans on all things Tigers, keeping the fans very content. Commonly, the team posts highlights, post game interviews, and team updates in the offseason. During this past offseason, the team has been posting about player birthdays, special events, or community service activities within the franchise. Overall, this leads to a satisfied fanbase, as they remain engaged with the team, even when there aren’t any games being played.
Tag: det
Detroit Red Wings Watch Parties & Fan Club Events for DET
The midwest lives and dies for the ice and the puck, and especially in the great lake state. In Detroit, there is an unwavering amount of Detroit Red Wings fans, largely due to their great organization’s history. The Red Wings have won 11 Stanley Cup Finals Wins, which is the third most out of any team in the NHL. The Red Wings won their first in 1936, and most recently in 2008. To feel immersed in the Detroit Red Wings’ there are many ways to stay connected. These ways include going to the game, going to a watch party or being a part of fan clubs or following fanpage accounts. The most well-known fan page accounts are redwings._.fans and redwingsfanclub.